Wednesday 1 August 2012

Pretty Little Liars "Team Ezria" Links

Hey Guys! So just a quick little thing... Just to make sure you know all of our social media type things here is a note about it & the links? Here you go! We have Sulia,Facebook,Twitter and Blogger :)


Facebook: Likke it <3


and of course our blogger which you are on right now! :) much love to everyone! XX

Monday 2 July 2012

PLL "Team Ezria" On Sulia

Hey Guys! So PLL team ezria is now on Sulia! I (admin Renesmee) have started on another writing project! A Sulia page for myself. However it can link onto PLL team ezria so how about a PLL news page to get info from? heres the link! <3

Monday 18 June 2012

Pretty Little Clothing

Hey Guys! So I was looking around and Ive seen some pretty little liars are 4 items that are worth getting. Some items the girls have worn! More accessories will be posted sometime!

 For Arias Jacket go here:
 For Arias Earring go here:
 For spene's shirt...:
And last but not least hannas dress! :

Thursday 7 June 2012

June 4th then June 5th

TOMORROW IS PLL DAY (again..) AND SEASON 3 IS PREMIERING! I'm so excited just as you guys probably are :) Tomorrow we are doing EPH & having a VERY busy day on the blog/fb page! <3 Thanks again for the 430 likes! You guys are amazing

Friday 1 June 2012

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Profile Picture Contest!

Down on our page we need a new profile picture! :) I just copied and pasted the note on this post...but you can review and such on our page note! <3 here it is! :D

Hey Everyone! Your admins here and WE REALLY NEED A NEW PROFILE PICTURE! However, we really want to be hands on wth the I was thinking maybe we can have a contest! Here is the instructions & Rules!

What to do:

1- Make and edit or just take any kind of random photo of the PLL sorts. It can be Ezria,Wrencer, all the girls, hanna, aria etc. 
2- Post the photo to our wall! :)
3- We will pick a winner and that will be our profile picture for as long as we want! :)

Good Luck!

I hope all of you participate in getting us a new profile picture....I think the deadline will be soon maybe the 26th or 27th of may. I will let you know! Much love guys! xoxo

Sunday 13 May 2012

Hey guys! Just wanted to wish you all a happy mothers day! I hope your family and you have a great day! Pretty Little Liars Premiere is so close! I can't wait! Can you believe it was only so short ago that we were waiting for Pretty Little Liars Season 2 premiere to come out? & Then Ezria finally told Aria's parents! It was a little crazy through out the rest of the season because of that! But Aria & Ezra know that it is true love and so do us (the fans)!

Friday 11 May 2012

My Youtube Video....Ezria||Wicked Game

Hey Guys! So I was bored and I decided to make an ezria video including one of my favourite PLL songs and just songs in general( P.S I will be singing this song for a singing recital! :D ) ANYWHO here is the link! Comment and Like and subscribe to mah channel spaklethetwilight Love yu guys! <3

Friday 4 May 2012

Hey guys! In the picture over there ---->
there are lots of spoilers! I can't wait til' June 5th!!

Make sure you check out our Facebook page! <3

Thanks guys! <3

Thursday 3 May 2012

Ezria Playoff Hour. The Whole Story

Hello Everyone! So once again I would like to update you on some of our 'Page News' We have started EPH (ezria playoff hour) Every week me and 'ezrialover' will get together, post a video explaining each EPH,do trivia, T or F,Games,shout outs , contests and much more!

Today we had a unsuccessful Hour but that does not mean all weeks will be like this. Tonight we just had a kick-off hour! So thanks to the fans that participated(: If you have any suggestions on things we should do or work on LET US KNOW! Comment,inbox etc. TAKE A LOOK! XOXOXOX

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Official Artwork! (some...) & Stills!

Hey Everyone so most of these pictures you have probably seen! However, I wanted to show you guys some official artwork from season 3 and a few stills/pictures from S3. You can find all of these in our photo album about s3! <3 The link will be posted! <3 xoxox again much love!

Sunday 29 April 2012

Pretty Little Liars "Team Ezria" on Facebook!

Hey guys! Make sure to like our page on Facebook 'Pretty Little Liars "Team Ezria" I know we have reminded you before but we are 2 likes away from 320! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!? The other admin and I are incredibly happy and don't know how to thank you! Please like the page! Share the blog too! Thanks guys!

here's the link :

Thursday 26 April 2012


Punk'd Is on! Did you see Lucy get Ian Harding! TOO CUTE! <3 Heres a still of them!

Monday 23 April 2012

Top 5 PLL couples! (Our Opinion) (characters*reallife

Hey Everyone, so i was thinking why dont we make a top 5 cutest couples from PLL characters and real life ones (Lucian counts :) )

NUMBER 5- Patrick and Troian. They are super cute together and I totoallyyy respect them <3

Number 4- Wren and Spencer! I personally am team wrencer :) I like toby too but wren is TO.DIE.FOR! <3 <3  and besides, his face is very fair ;)

Number 3- Ryan and Ashely! They are so cute together and make the best videos and pictures! He is so amazing and so is ash so it all blends together! 

Number 2- Lucy Hale and Ian Harding. Two words Lucian Lives. They are so amazing and me and 'ezria lover' are OBSESSED WITH THEM! I LOVE LUCY AND IAN SO MUCH! : )<3

NUMBER 1- (drumroolll)

The best couple possibly in the world...We would put lucian, but they aren't dating -_-. Ezria is the best part of pretty little liars and such an amazing love! :') I couldn't imagine life without them! <3

Friday 20 April 2012

Punk'd with Lucy Hale and Ian Harding!

Hey ya'll! Renesmee here! Today the promo for Punk'd starring Lucy Hale as the host was released! :) For those of you that don't know about this its a show where celebrities prank each other and Ian Harding is next from Lucy! :) It will air on April 26th most likely be shown! here is the trailer! xoxoxo

Monday 16 April 2012

Ask The Admin! Please participate!

Hey Evryone I saw something like this on another page and i thought i would do the same. as you stroll down you will see numbers next to a question..If you want us to answer the question comment the #! We will answer all the questions in a big long status or a video! :)

1- What kind of phones do you have?
3- Fvorite movie 
4- 3 wishes
5-Fav color 
6-Best Friend
7- what has being an admin taught us
8-What is our official blog,fb and twitter
9-Fav Singer
10- favorite PLL character
11-Fvorite Actor
12-Favorite actress

Comment the number you want to most! We will post the status or video this week! (we will tell you a day before!:)

*You can comment on this or on our status on our Facebook page that informs you! :)***

Friday 13 April 2012

Keeganing is the new thing!

Recently PLL was able to get some really sweet pictures of 'Keeganing' twitter blew this up and loved it! Someone made this collage of all keeg's pictures!

**I did not make this :)

BTW guys what do you think of the Lucian pictures ;) SO CUTE! I will post these in a big form later!

Thursday 12 April 2012


SPOILER ALERT! Hey guys! i found some new spoilers that i think you guys should really know about! Some of you may have known about these but here they are! they're about aria and ezra <3

Aria (And Ezra)
  • Marlene tweeted this about Ezria - “Ezra’s still been Aria’s rock and safe place to land, and they’re closer than ever. We’ll be introduced to Ezra’s family, including his brother, mother, and father” - Marlene King
  • We will meet Ezra’s family (Including brother)
  • Aria is shocked and complied to see Ezra standing on her porch 
  • Somebody says the quote (Most likely Ezria) “I thought we could recreate the date” “I wouldnt call it a date, we ended the night n the bathroom”
  • We get to meet Ezra’s family
  • Ezria celebrates their one year anniversery 
  • Ella and Byron still havent come around to Ezria, but Ella is “thawing”
  • Aria will have a chat with Alison
  • In the first episode, Aria and Ezra will have a scene in his appartment, and they will kiss
  • Aria will take a nap on Ezra’s couch
  • Aria wears the dress she wore when she met Ezra
  • Ezra will give Aria something special in 3x05 
  • Meredith is returning, and is applying for a job at Rosewood High School
  • Emily and Ezra will have a scene in 302

    I'm really looking forward to June 5th! & i can't wait for all these secrets to be revealed and the ezria relationship to get even better! <3 

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Chris and Lucy's PDA

So as most of you know a new couple has come Chris Zylaka (star of the secret circle) and Lucy Hale who i like to call 'Americas Angel' have sprung together! Us admins like to call them 'Chrissy.' to be perfectly honest we were never a fan of them. Ever. We will always be halers and support Lucy but this is just. Strange. Possibly it could be because well we are DROP-DEAD ezria fans and Lucian fans or it could be the awkward and annoying PDA they seem to be spreading. Check out the pictures of Lucy and Chris on her break and just in the streets. Besides Lucy is too pretty for him<3*


Tuesday 10 April 2012

Aiming for 300!

Here is the link to our latest Facebook post! It explains all the little things YOOOU could do to get us to 300 and also gain things yourself! SO CHECCCCKK IT OUUUT GUUIES! :) <3

Saturday 7 April 2012

Happy Easter!

Even though its tomorrow....I WANTED TO WISH YA'LL A HAPPY EASTER! have a great day and enjoy this picture! ;) SHAAAY GURRRL!

Saturday 31 March 2012

Contest Reminder:

Hey Everyone! Just wanted to remind you about our contest going on! Only one person has entered and the due date is April 1st! I can't believe it! -.-

Here are the instructions :

-Make an Edit of A (Mona) or if you don't think Mona is A make an edit of who you think A is (or the mystery person in the red coat O.o)

-Post it on our Facebook wall labeled: For A contest

-On April 1st or second (because we can't do a contest with one person...) we will chose a winner!

-The winner will get to chose our timeline and profile picture for a month and:

                                                   ~~~Gets the Chance to Admin~~~

Have a fantastic day
-Your Admins

Monday 19 March 2012

Happy A-Day! & Who is A

So first of all a very happy A-Day! hope yu had a good one! Also, now we know who it is....even though the episode had many questions still to be answered like always PLL finished off amazingly ;) so drumroll......

***MONA IS -A***

Or at least thats what we was sort of confirmed HOWEVER there is a leader in a bigger place than her in the "A Team"...During the end of the episode she said I did what you asked me too to a not black-but red hooded figure. Vivian maybe? Is Alison still alive? We have many reasons why which will be posted tomorrow

Also while we are talking "A" THE PRODUCERS LIED TO US! They said they were going different from the books! AHAHA sure buddy....sure.....

But at least they got us a good enough cliffhanger ending to last us to June 5th 2012....The third season of Pretty Little Liars will arrive and we will get more answers!

Thanks to everyone! :)

Sunday 18 March 2012

200 fans. Thats right.

Omg! we just reached our A-Day goal of 200 fans! so cool! thanks to everyone including our admins! check out our page for all the 200 fans chaos ;) I hope you all enjoy our page as much as we do and you keep liking,checking in and everything else! So thanks again and have a great Aday!

Contest & Countdown!

Those of you that check our page daily you should know A contest is here! Put in edits that you made of who or who is A (the contest will be done on April 1st) Winner gets a very very special surprise! SO ENTER WE REALLY WANT TO HAVE FUN WITH THIS :)


We would like to remind you of a very special date....we all knew it from 100 days to 47 days to 14 days all the way down to tomorrow. It is Aday! The biggest day in probably all of Pretty Little Liars history! A will be shown and then other secrets will be solved! So tune in on 8/7 central ABC Family or Much Music and have a fantastic daay! <3

-Yo Admins...

Saturday 17 March 2012

Friday 9 March 2012

Just a reminder! :)

10 MORE DAYS TILL A-DAY! and get all the feed by:

Following on twitter
Liking on Facebook
Annd checkin' in on the blog every other day! :)

Sunday 4 March 2012

Ian Harding E! talk Interview

In this interview Ian Harding gives information on the finale and Ezria scenes coming up! Very revealing Interview

Thanks Everyone!


Not Just a Blog!

Hey Everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know that this website is not just a blog we also have a Facebook and twitter page! We are thrilled that the page has become such a success and we would love more follows and likes :) so here are the links to everything 'Pretty Little Liars 'Team Ezria'

Twitter :!/ianhardingobses

Facebook :

Thanks Everyone! :) <3

Pretty Little Liars Teaches you Good!

This is what pretty little liars taught me....The show isn't all about catty girls the show has heart and teaches you great things....Maybe the situation is not the best (like dating your teacher...) but they were soul mates and showed a great example of that love is limitless. I saw the photo yesterday and thought I would share with you guys :) 

what other things has "Pretty Little Liars" taught you? ♥
let us know in the comments! and don't forget to check in on our Facebook page!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Happy Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday Everyone and enjoy this photo of Lucy and Ian!! (too cute!) :)

Sunday 26 February 2012

Welcome To Our Blog!

Hello Everyone! you may know us from our Facebook page 'Pretty Little Liars "Team Ezria" but now, you can get to know us on our blog. We created it for everyone to see the ups and downs of ezria as well as breath-taking spoilers and daily blogging about Pretty Little Liars :) every monday our admin "Maya" will be on during commercials and even sometimes during the show! you can follow us on our shared twitter page @ianhardingobses. Hope you enjoy our blog and don't forget to like us on our Facebook page!

Much Love,
Your Admins